Avocados and Avocado Slicers

Avocado Slices

Avocado Slices

Not only are avocados delicious, they protect you from stokes and heart disease! In his book Eat This, Not That! David Zinczenko recommends trying to eat avocado everyday. I target eating two avocados a week. This is what Zinczenko had to say about avocados “Here’s what often gets lost in America’s fat phobia: Some of these fats are actually good for you. More than half the calories in each creamy green fruit comes from one fo the world’s healthiest fats, a kind called monounsaturates. These fats differ from saturated fats in that they have one double-bonded carbon atom, but that small difference at the molecular level amounts to a dramatic improvement to your health. Numerous studies ahve shown that monounsaturated fats both improve your cholesterol profile and decrease the amount of triglycerides (more fats) floating around in your blood. That can lower your risk of stroke and heart disease. Worried about weight gain? Don’t be. There’s no causal link between monounsaturated fats and body fat.” In Four Hour Body, Tim Ferris says that avocado and tomato are the only two fruits that are ok to eat on normal days.
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Carrots Braised in Butter (Carottes Etuvees Au Beurre)

Pureed Carrots Braised in Butter

Pureed Carrots Braised in Butter

I love this recipe because it is insanely simple and your friends will think it is exceptionally gourmet. I can’t find any references at the moment; however, I’ve read in a number of places that working orange produce into your daily diet is extremely good for your health. Additionally, carrots keep really well in the fridge, and you should have everything else you need for this recipe in your kitchen so it is an easy way to cook a veggie for dinner on the fly.

Prep time: 5 minutes
Cook time: 30 to 40 minutes
Total time: 35 to 45 minutes
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